
Content Enrichment Programme

To assist students in understanding the structure of the course content, Content Enrichment programs are arranged every year by the college. The reputed senior Faculty from various Colleges are invited to assist the students in this program: The experts orient them from the holistic point of view the content of each course which is prescribed in the syllabus. The experts discuss important aspects . The interaction is encouraged. The scope of the content is understood best in the Content Enrichment Programme.

Sessions for Skill enhancement of Teacher as Counsellor:

1. Guest Lecture by Dr. Gauri Haridkar on Theories of
2. Guest Lecture by Ms. Nidhi Chhedda on “Personality Test of Thematic Appreciation Test”

3. Guest Lecture by Ms. Seema Agarwal on “Power to Empower – Counselling Skills for Teacher as a Counsellor”

4. Guest Lecture by Padmini Mishra on “Bridging the Gap – Theory to Practice

Teaching And Learning

The teaching learning process comprises of orientation to B.Ed course, orientation to B.Ed syllabus Teaching of Theory, and teaching of practicum.The students are admitted based on their methods/pedagogies. The institution offers eight special methods viz. English, Hindi, Marathi, Science, Mathematics, History, Geography, Commerce and ... Economics. The syllabus of each course is discussed in detail by the subject masters. The type of practicum aspects to be completed during the year is described with all clarifications.

The lectures are delivered using innovative ways integrating ICT accordingly. Soft copies of important units of the papers are circulated amongst the students regularly. The Staff is assigned the teaching of various modules of the courses as per their competence and ability. Each Staff member is assigned a particular department and is responsible for its organization and implementation.

Cooperative learning and collaborative working is encouraged in the execution of practical work like workshops and activities, both curricular and competitive. Students develop their own presentations and CAI assisted programs related to the subject matter in the various papers.Models of learning like CAM, ITM, Role Play, Creative techniques and Games and Cartooning help the students to actualize the theory they have learnt.

Remote Learning Activities

Virtual Practice Lesson Presentations


  • The performance of students is reviewed after each test and their remedial needs are identified. Staff members in the House are informed and they provide remedial measures. This may be in the form of extra assignments, extra coaching and additional assistance to students who need help.
  • Continuous comprehensive evaluation takes place both at the theoretical level as well as at the practical levels. Class Tests and Term examinations followed by Remedial Programs and Intensive Coaching are part of the process to strengthen the knowledge base and the skills of the students.
  • Immediate feedback that is communicated and remedial instruction that is provided assists the students to get back on track. Extreme measures include blacklisting and letters to parents / guardians in case of default.
  • ICT is utilized in tracking performance parameters, especially of gifted and weaker students. Enhanced instruction for the gifted students and remedial measures are then introduced to assist the weaker students to improve their performance. Use of ICT also helps in timely feedback and evaluation process.

Campus Interviews

MCT’s College of Education and Research conducts a PLACEMENT week in the college. The Placement committee of the college has developed a network with reputed schools of the region. The role of placement committee starts helping them to prepare and update their individual profiles by providing the technical guidance, knowledge of different pedagogies, and school related experiences through variety of activities. At MCT’s we try our level best to develop the potential of our students through rigorous practical exposure and interactions. Several workshops and skill development programs are being conducted to hone the teaching skills to suit the requirement of the recruiters. It is well supported by both faculty members as well as students.

Beneficiaries of our Campus Placement Drive
  • 1. Podar International School
  • 2. Orchid International School
  • 3. Vibgyor High
  • 4. Narayana International School
  • 5. SDV JR. College, Airoli
  • 6. SDV Secondary School, Airoli
  • 7. St. Xavier’s School Airoli
  • 8. Mother Teresa Secondary School
  • 9. Datta Meghe World Academy.
  • 10. Gold Crest high ,Vashi
  • 11. New Horizon Public School ,Airoli
  • 12. New Horizon Scholars.
  • 13. Amrita Vidyalaya Juinagar.
  • 14. Avalon Heights International

Mock Interviews

The Mock Interviews are organized to develop self confidence amongst the B.Ed trainee teachers to face campus interviews of various reputed schools of Mumbai and Navi-Mumbai. The lecturers interview students method-wise and critically analyse each interviewees performance and orient them how to present themselves and how to overcome their weaknesses.

Awareness Lectures

For sensitizing the students towards various social issues , college arranges special lectures . Experts are invited from Cancer Awareness Institutes, Sarpa Mitra Mandal etc. Workshop on Handwriting analysis, Blackboard writing, stress management are conducted to orient them in diversified issues.

Innovative Practices

  • The introduction of better & advance technology in the college has given the process of teaching-learning an added impetus. Staff and trainee teachers are better prepared resulting in better comprehension and performance.
  • MCT College adopted the contemporary perspective in Teaching-Learning process by integrating technological tools using WebQuests . This activity enabled to integrate on-line resources and provided opportunity for trainee teachers to actively engage in learning by connecting their interests with various content areas of ICT subject.
  • MCT’s Google Group to facilitate content sharing and discussion with the teachers, peers etc.
  • Learning Management System : Moodle set up ( has enhanced teaching learning process collaboratively with various other colleges of Education.
  • Organisation of Events by Student-Council for a dedicated cause by developing linkages with community through NGO K.C Mahindra Education Trust Project “NANHI KALI” to educate Girl child from Grade I to V.

Technology in Motion

Mentors and faculties of MCT’s College of Education &Research design and implement an online learning Experiences in their course deliveries for student teachers. The Content of the course is done using Learning Management System MOODLE platform. The content of the course is on various topics of courses transacted in form of PowerPoint presentation, videos, word document and PDF. It also includes discussion forums for collaborative learning and assignments for formative assessment.

House System

The House system was inducted dividing the students into six groups and the tasks to be done by each house were assigned. Each house members participates in conducting assembly, organizing sessions on stress management, celebrating various important national and International days. Active participation in various cultural programs , theme based programs, value based programs throughout the year.

Bolti Diwar

Look & Learn Activity is conducted group-wise by creating educational images on various Topics: Women Empowerment, Population Explosion, Child Labour, Corruption, Save Earth - Save Smile etc to sensitize the spectators. The students and Staff , community are the beneficiaries.

Club activities

Social Science Club, Language Club and Science Club were formed and professors were allocated to each Club for conducting various club activities. Various activities like visits, street play , drama etc conduct every year.

Extension Activities

Enrolling students in DLLE program by University of Mumbai to reach the masses in the form of various activities and sensitize about the issues that need attention for the upliftment of the society and also to earn credits in the final grades of Examination

College participates Blood Donation Camps every year organized by various colleges . Principal and many students donates their blood.

Educational Visits

To broaden mental horizons and to give them a first hand experience, the Teacher Trainees are taken for various educational visits such as:

  • Nehru Science Centre
  • Nehru Planetorium
  • Nature Park
  • Homi Babha Science Center
  • Lonavala
  • American Library
  • Industrial Visit to Chemical Factory , Manufacturer, Importer & Exporter of PVC Additives & Lubricants, Plant The American Library’ at BKC, Mumbai branch .
  • Maharashtra Nature Park, Sion
  • Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum
  • Jehangir Art Gallery
  • Nehru Planetorium
  • Discovery of Science
  • Homi Bhabha Science Centre, Mankhurd
  • Educational Visit cum Picnic at various places

Theme based learning

In order to sensitize the student teachers about the various social and educational issues and to make them active participant in building the right future of nation We have inculcated various themes for different houses which will be imbibed in them during assembly in the form of Power point presentation & Videos. The various themes are:

  • Moral Values
  • Environmental Protection
  • Women Empowerment
  • Youth Icons
  • Inspiring Teachers
  • Child Empowerment
  • Yoga in Education
  • Learning by Doing

Academic Calender

You can download the academic calender form below lonk

Academic Calender


Semester II (All activities should be systematically documented and maintained for the purpose of internal assessment)
Internship for 3 weeks
  • Observation of school activities (Any three)
  • Observation of lessons given by peers (5 lessons)
  • Shadowing of School Teacher (One Week) - 5 lessons to be observed and recorded in Pedagogy of school subject I
  • Teaching lessons in Pedagogy of school subject I (5 Lessons)
Semester III (All activities should be systematically documented and maintained for the purpose of internal assessment)
Internship for 11 weeks
  • During Internship teaching not less than 10 lessons in the opted Pedagogy of school subject I distributed over different standards from V to XII of recognized secondary and higher secondary Schools/ Colleges selected by the Principal as practicing School/ College
  • 2 theme based lessons in the above school/college.
  • 3 co-teaching lessons with school teachers.
  • Administration of Unit Test and analysis of results (in the pedagogy of school subject I opted)
  • Maintain Reflective Journal with reference to internship program.
Semester IV (All activities should be systematically documented and maintained for the purpose of internal assessment)
Internship for 5 weeks (4 weeks +1 week community work II)
  • Develop learning resources
  • Conduct Action Research
  • During Internship teaching not less than 5 lessons in the opted pedagogy of school subject II distributed over different standards from V to XII of recognized secondary and higher secondary Schools/ Colleges selected by the Principal as practicing School/ College. For those students who have opted Peace Education or Education for Rural Development they have to take 5 lessons from Pedagogy of school subject I.
  • 5 Co-teaching lessons with peers
  • Maintain Reflective journal with reference to internship program.
  • Participation in Community work II in collaboration with schools/ NGO's (for a period of 1 week)
Conduction of NAI TALIM LESSONS spread into above three semesters.

Extension & Community Outreach Program

  • Visit to a school “Pasaydan Bal Bhavan” an NGO for Rehabilitation of children at Khadavli.
  • Premdaan an NGO for Destitute run by Mother Teresa Trust , Airoli.
  • Community Work at Sanjeevani Paraplegic Centre, Airoli.
  • Kshram Daanat Shantivan, Panvel
  • Anand Mela for a dedicated cause


The minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher for class I to VIIIlaid down as per RTE Act. And NCTE. It had been inter alia provided that one of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools referred to in Clause (n) of section 2 of the RTE Act is that he/she should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE.

CTET Syllabus

Our Result

Sr. No Year Appeared College Result % University Result %
1 2005-06 100 95% 93.40%
2 2006-07 100 86% 78.45%
3 2007-08 96 97.92% 88.10%
4 2008-09 08 93.28% 90.44%
5 2009-10 97 95.88% 84.19%
6 2010-11 96 100% 85.67%
7 2011-12 81 98.75% N.A
8 2012-13 81 96.20% 87.03%
9 2013-14 81 97.46% 87.88%
10 2014-15 100 98.92% 88.03%
11 2015-16 49 99% 89.05%
12 2016-18 100 100% 100%
13 2017-19 95.65% 95.65% 95.65%
14 2018-20 100% 100% 100%
15 2019-21 100% 100% 100%
16 2020-22 100% 100% 100%
17 2021-23 98% 98% 98%
18 2022-24 99% 99% 99%

ADD on Courses

Name of the Programme Eligibility Criteria Intake Capacity Pedagogy Subjects Duration Fees for the Programme
Certificate Course in Certificate Program in Nursery Teaching Graduation in any Discipline 30 in each batch As prescribed by University Six Months As approved by University of Mumbai
Certificate Course in Teacher Education for International Schools Graduation in any Discipline 30 in each batch As prescribed by University Six Months As approved by University of Mumbai
Post Graduate Diploma Course in Counselling PGDC. Graduation in any Discipline 30 in each batch As prescribed by University One Year As approved by University of Mumbai